Beautiful heroine Raashi Khanna, who is being seen very less in Telugu films these days, has thrown another surprise if reports are to be beloved. Already Recently seen in the Bollywood movie ‘Yodha’ featuring Siddharth Malhotra, she has surprised fans with a new investment in Hyderabad. She’s said to have purchased a new house here, her third one in the Tollywood capital.

As per the report, Raashi recently acquired her third property, and here’s the intriguing part: it’s located in Hyderabad. This move raises a few eyebrows considering Raashi’s flourishing career in Tamil and Hindi cinema rather than Tollywood with upcoming projects like “Aranmanai 4” and “TME.” With only one Telugu film “Telusu Kada” on her current Telugu slate, why is Hyderabad seeing so much of Raashi’s real estate love? Could it be a strategic career move, a personal preference, or something else entirely?

Perhaps the city offers a comfortable and familiar base for Raashi and her family, especially since she’s bought properties previously in 2015 and 2017, a luxury apartment and a duplex villa respectively as per reports. Hyderabad might also be a strategic location for her career, allowing her to easily access both Telugu and Hindi film industries. Additionally, the city’s booming real estate market could make it a sound investment for the future. Anyway, let’s see what Raashi says about this.