Alka Bhatia, actor Akshay Kumar’s pretty sister is tying the knot. Since the last few years, Alka and construction magnate Surendra Hiranandani (of Hiranandani Builders) have been in a relationship, but Alka known to be very publicity shy, has been rarely seen and photographed with her beau. Earlier this year, they announced their togetherness at Surendra’s father- the renowned ENT Surgeon Dr LH Hiranandani’s 94th birthday celebration in Juhu.

This is the second marriage for both Alka and Surendra; the marriage celebrations commence on 21st December with a party at Twinkle and Akshay’s bunglow, the wedding is at a Gurudwara and on 23rd the newly-weds host a brunch at JW Marriott, Juhu.

Alka Bhatia with Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna