Marian Rivera’s action of introducing solid foods to her son too early caused her to be criticized by the online community, saying she should not have done it.

Dubbed as one of the hottest mothers in the Philippine entertainment  industry and Southeast Asia, Marian Rivera’s every move receives attention from the online community, especially after she became pregnant. The actor gave birth to his second son.

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Although she always makes everyone praise her beauty and admire her happy family, the  ‘Most Beautiful Beauty in the Philippines’ was recently harshly criticized by the online community on her personal page for posted a photo of his 4-month-old son eating solid food with the status line:  ‘Mom, please give me more broccoli.’

The image of the adorable little boy Ziggy eating solid food was shared by ‘The most beautiful beauty in the Philippines’

Specifically, according to netizens and the experience of mothers, Marian Rivera should not give her baby solid food so early. Because usually 4-month-old babies’ digestive systems are not yet complete, immature and vulnerable, Marian Rivera’s feeding her baby solid food could have a negative impact on Ziggy.
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After being harshly criticized for feeding her child solid foods, Marian Rivera also spoke up to explain, the actress shared:

“I have always wanted to show my support for breastfeeding advocacy. Even though I started feeding Ziggy solids on the advice of my pediatrician, I have no plans to stop breastfeeding. I know how important it is to exclusively breastfeed my baby from 0 to 6 months of age so please don’t judge me for feeding my son nutritious vegetables. “

In addition, Marian also said that feeding her son nutritious vegetables is according to the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO). She also did not forget that the main food for her baby is still breast milk


Marian Rivera also expressed that as a mother she always wants the ‘best’ for her children, so the critical comments have somewhat hurt her feelings as a mother.