Mother and daughter The most beautiful beauties in the Philippines Marian showed off new photos, the beauty of the little angel immediately caused a fever

Marian Rivera is beautiful, but surely her daughter will soon usurp her mother’s title when she is only 5 years old and has clearly shown her features.


When mentioning the title ‘Most beautiful beauty in the Philippines’, everyone certainly calls out the name Marian Rivera. That title was voted by FHM and Maxim from 2013 – 2016 and perhaps until now, even though she is married and is the mother of two angels, the beauty of the mixed-race beauty still attracts attention. big idea. However, since her first daughter, Zia, was born, her mother’s popularity has gradually been usurped.

Recently, Marian Rivera just posted a new photo of mother and daughter on her personal page and immediately received a ‘storm of likes’ from fans all over the world.

Baby Zia just celebrated her 5th birthday on November 23 last year. It can be said that the girl inherited the most quintessential beauty from her mother who is ‘the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines’.

From her chubby mouth, dimples, high Western nose to smiling eyes, little Zia looks exactly like her mother.

Posting pictures of mother and son joking around on a normal day in just a few hours has received hundreds of thousands of likes.

Previously, there was an account that placed two photos comparing Marian Rivera and her daughter side by side when they were both about the same age. Immediately after the photo spread, ‘the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines’ personally shared it on her personal page. And after just one day of being shared, the photo received 1.5 million likes and hundreds of comments praising the beauty of mother and daughter.

Baby Zia is as beautiful as an angel and is expected to inherit her mother’s beauty throne. Netizens said that they feel peaceful and excited when they see photos of Zia smiling because she has a very cute and adorable beauty.

Only 5 years old, Zia is very bold in front of the camera. When wearing a little lipstick and makeup, Marian Rivera’s first daughter’s beauty is truly no joke. Even though she is young, Zia is already the most powerful and famous star in the country.

Because of her professionalism in front of the camera from a young age combined with the inheritance of her parents’ dominant genes, she received countless advertising contracts with fashion brands. The Philippine beauty once revealed that Zia’s salary was even much higher than hers. The couple set up a bank account to deposit their daughter’s money and hand it over when she grew up.

If Marian Rivera is the most beautiful beauty in the ‘land of a thousand islands’, then the person she gave her fate to is no less good. Dingdong Dantes is one of the best actors in the Philippines, ‘perfect’ is hard to find. The actor once entered the ‘list of 25 sexiest men of the year’ behind only David Beckham and Michael Gurfi in 2008. Just that description is enough to understand why Zia’s daughter was born with a strong personality. Such angelic beauty.

Zia is still growing and developing every day, fans from all over are looking forward to the miracle that the beauty of the child angel will create. Surely little Zia has had her mother invest some money in her beauty right now. Obviously, by beautifying your child with natural therapy from an early age to help your child be beautiful, you have created more opportunities for success for your child.

Pay attention to your child’s dental care

Children are often susceptible to tooth decay because of their habit of eating sweets and their baby teeth are weak and easily attacked by bacteria. After the baby teeth replacement period, parents should take their children to the dental clinic every 6 months for regular checkups. By age 12-13, when their child’s adult teeth have grown in, parents can consider letting their child wear braces to overcome overbite, underbite, and crooked teeth.

If you want your child to make a good impression on others, parents should not skip the step of taking care of their child’s teeth. This starts when your child’s teeth start to grow. Keeping your teeth and gums clean will help your teeth grow evenly and beautifully white.

Don’t ignore the beauty of ‘Hair’

Children’s hair is usually thin and straight. If you know how to care for it with coconut oil, your eldest daughter will have long, shiny and healthy hair. Every time you prepare to bathe, you can take a little coconut oil and massage your child’s hair, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash it again with shampoo. When washing your child’s hair, use cold or cool water, do not use water that is too hot. Hot water damages the keratin in your child’s hair, making it dry and grow weaker.

Keep your child’s skin pink and white

A rosy white skin is usually more youthful than dark skin. Children also need to carefully apply sunscreen every time they go out. Mothers should buy sunscreen specifically for baby’s skin to avoid clogging and itchy rashes.

Reasonable diet

A scientific diet not only helps children develop their brain but also their height, weight, skin and hair. Your child’s diet needs to be full of nutrients as recommended by the Children’s Nutrition Pyramid. Focus on adding lots of red-yellow-green vegetables and fruits because they are good for your child’s vision development. Seafood, milk, meat, eggs, fish… are essential for children to develop optimal height.

In addition, mothers should let their children eat lots of tomatoes, drink tomato juice, and eat yogurt to whiten their skin. Or remind your baby to drink water to have beautiful skin and he or she will stay fresh throughout the active day.