No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippine

Marian cannot follow a diet or do heavy exercises to lose weight after giving birth because she is breastfeeding. She regained her neat figure in such a short time thanks to applying simple but scientific methods.

Not long after giving birth to her first daughter Maria Letizia at the end of 2015, beautiful Filipino actress Marian Rivera returned to work with a radiant, more loving appearance and a neat, toned body that made her look more attractive. Few people admire it. However, Marian said, because that is the time when her body needs to supplement a lot of nutrients to produce milk to breastfeed, she cannot follow a diet or do heavy exercises to lose weight . quickly after birth .

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 1.

Marian Rivera’s beautiful body during a recent trip with her family.

In fact, Marian regained her neat figure in such a short time thanks to applying the following 5 “secrets” that anyone can do:

1. Breastfeeding

The first weight loss method that Marian uses is to actively breastfeed her daughter regularly every day. This method can be effective as long as the mother’s weight only increases a reasonable amount during pregnancy. In Marian’s case, she only gained about 9kg during her pregnancy.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 2.

Marian considers breastfeeding to be the first method to help her lose weight.

This seemingly unbelievable thing is in fact the conclusion of a study conducted by the Danish National Obstetrics Association based on the results of analyzing data on the duration and frequency of breastfeeding of more than 25,000 women. participate in research. Research shows that women with higher breastfeeding scores (each woman is given a breastfeeding score) are more likely to lose pregnancy weight within just 6 months postpartum. At the same time, during the same time period, breastfeeding women are estimated to lose about 2kg more than women who do not breastfeed.

2. Healthy diet

Sharing about her method of getting back in shape after giving birth, Marian said she did not follow any diet and only avoided foods high in salt and sugar. In fact, Marian is willing to eat any food that helps provide nutrients for breast milk and eats at the same meals as her family.

And to lose weight after giving birth quickly but still have enough nutrients for her daughter, Marian looked for foods rich in nutrients without causing weight gain, such as moringa and horseradish made into soup. soup in her daily diet. Marian even found that moringa helped her increase the amount of breast milk.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 3.

Moringa and horseradish are two foods that appear frequently in Marian’s daily diet.

No dieting, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 4.

One of Marian’s favorite moringa smoothies was posted on her personal page.

Marian eats horseradish regularly to supplement essential nutrients and minerals found in this food such as fiber, vitamin C, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and organic chemical compounds. of enzymes and oils.

3. Drink filtered water regularly and drink herbal tea

Before getting pregnant and giving birth, Marian practiced the habit of drinking lots of filtered water every day to maintain her attractive figure and beautiful, smooth skin. Even drinking filtered water is considered by Marian to be one of the important steps in her daily beauty routine. She still applies this habit after giving birth to help her lose weight faster.

No dieting, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 5.

Drinking water and herbal tea also helps Marian quickly get back in shape.

Marian said that she regained her shape so quickly because she drank herbal tea every day – a habit she maintained after getting married until now. She shared: “I also gained weight until I gave birth to baby Zia (Marian’s daughter’s family name), about more than 9kg. But now my weight has returned to normal, about 45kg. My waist also returned to about 55cm. This is due to the laxative effect of Biofitea herbal tea as it eliminates the excess food and calories that I eat. I don’t need to worry about that tea because it doesn’t cause side effects. It helps me lose weight and ensures healthy functioning of the digestive system.”

4. Dance Zumba and take care of your daughter to lose weight instead of exercising

When asked about how to maintain a stable weight after giving birth, Marian shared: “Sometimes, I dance a few Zumba moves to sweat. In addition, I also consider taking care of my daughter as a form of exercise.”

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 6.

Thanks to the harmonious combination of diet and exercise, Marian maintained a stable weight after giving birth.

Before getting pregnant and giving birth, Marian Rivera participated in many sports such as swimming, jogging, sports dancing, Muay Thai, wushu and especially Zumba dancing. Thanks to that, she always maintains a balanced and attractive figure on a healthy body foundation. After her daughter was born, Marian said she could not do heavy exercises to force herself to lose weight, because the most important thing for her at that time was to maintain a stable amount of nutrition in her body to lose weight. ensure the amount of milk for breastfeeding. Instead, she chooses to dance Zumba in her free time to release energy. This dance can help practitioners significantly shrink their waistline, exercise their whole body and burn an average of about 500-700 calories per hour – much larger than the 300-500 calories of many other sports activities. .

5. Take care of your abdominal skin when losing weight

Marian Rivera is one of the lucky people who did not have stretch marks on her abdomen during pregnancy. She even confidently showed off her smooth waist in a bikini just 4 months after giving birth. In addition to physical factors, Marian also applies a few simple methods to reduce stretch marks on the abdomen.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 7.

Marian also shared methods to reduce the risk of stretch marks on the abdomen after giving birth.

While pregnant with her daughter, Marian also had itchy skin on her abdomen. She said: “I endured the itching, but it was really uncomfortable. That’s when I realized a mother can do anything for her child. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I poured hot water on it, sometimes I also grabbed my stomach, luckily it didn’t leave a scar. But I also felt less itchy after that.”

In addition, she also regularly uses baby skin care products for her belly area. “I often use Johnson’s moisturizer and milk + oat lotion, which I also apply to Zia, to ensure my skin remains soft and smooth.”

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No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 8.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 9.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 10.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 11.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 12.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 13.

No dieting, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 14.

No dieting, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 15.

Marian Rivera is happy with her husband and daughter.

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No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 17.

No diet, no exercise, these are the secrets to losing weight after giving birth from the most beautiful mother in the Philippines - Photo 18.

Lovely daughter Maria Letizia in her beautiful mother’s arms.