There are no fancy photography technologies or beauty apps, but the images of mothers in the past still make everyone praise them.

Yesterday, looking through old family photo albums from long ago, my mother brought out a photo of a very beautiful young woman about 20 years old and asked if she knew anyone. It wasn’t until a while later that I fell in love when I found out that she was as beautiful as a star. That’s my mother, my sister. In the past, there were no apps and no professional makeup, but why did women and mothers still look beautiful regardless of their physical appearance? The more you look at them, the more attractive they become. That said, if you want to see the image of a beauty from the past, don’t look far away, just go home and open your mother’s old album, everyone.

Recently, a girl named Sheena from the Philippines suddenly became famous when she showed off pictures of her mother when she was young online and received a lot of attention. Looking at the image of Sheena’s mother when she was young, many people have to wonder whether she participated in any beauty contests in the past because each of her features are really so sharp. With such a delicate face, many people also commented that this girl’s mother looks very similar to an extremely famous beauty today: “The most beautiful beauty in the Philippines  – Marian Rivera.



Sheena did not disappoint netizens when she also added current photos of her mother. Even though she has turned forty years old, she still maintains her natural beauty, which is very luxurious and kind.




Witnessing this scene of “showing off her mother’s beauty”, netizens couldn’t help but gush:

– Your mother is so beautiful, you must be beautiful too, right?

– Looks like a real actor

– With such a beautiful mother, the daughter must be under a lot of pressure, right hihi?

– Is there any pressure when you have a mother as beautiful as an actress? She’s really beautiful.

– I think that beautiful mothers often give birth to daughters who will be very beautiful, like if they have many dominant genes, they will enjoy them all.

– If your mother is that kind of beauty , your daughter will often look like her. Surely the “moderator” is also very beautiful.

Although many people often say that daughters will resemble their fathers, sons will resemble their mothers. But this is not 100% accurate, in fact each person’s intelligence, health characteristics, appearance, etc. are taken from the genes of both parents. Depending on the dominant or recessive genes, each person will have more similarities to their father or mother. Some characteristics from parents that can easily be passed on to children include:

– Eye color: Children often inherit eye color genes from their parents, especially their father. If the father has brown eyes, this is usually a dominant gene and most children will have the same eye color as the father no matter what color eyes the mother has.

– Hair: Hair characteristics have strong heritability, especially curly hair. If both parents have curly hair, the child will almost certainly be born with curly hair. Even if a parent’s grandparents or siblings have curly hair, the child can still inherit this gene.

– Height: Genes from parents determine 60 – 80% of a child’s height. However, besides that, height also depends on many external factors such as living environment, nutrition, lifestyle, exercise,… more.

– Intelligence: Experts have researched and said that if you give birth to a boy, the child’s intelligence will largely depend on the mother’s genetic resources. Meanwhile, the daughter will inherit intelligence from both of their genes.

– Teeth: Children can easily inherit genes for health and dental characteristics from their parents, especially their father. If father has poor oral health, he should also take note of taking his child to the dentist for more regular check-ups.