Actress Marian Rivera excited many people when she quickly answered questions related to her love life as well as her plans to expand her family in the future.

Recently, Marian Rivera participated in a talk show. She happily answered a series of quick questions from the MC. This mother of two children revealed many delicate things about her husband and wife as well as having a new member. Below is the question and answer session at the program:

Marian Rivera, the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines, dingdong dantes

Marian Rivera, the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines, dingdong dantes

Marian Rivera revealed the delicate story of husband and wife when participating in a talk show.


MC: The sexiest part of Dingdong’s body?

MR: Chest

MC: If Dingdong turned into an animal, which animal would it be?

MR: Lion!

MC: Do you feel sexy every time Dingdong does something to you?

MR: When he kissed my feet!

MC: Oh my God! Most recent message from Dingdong?

MR: I love you!

MC: Complete the sentence: ‘I feel ticklish when…?’

MR: Dingdong kissed me on the neck!

MC: What would you do if someone fell in love with Dingdong?

MR: For now, ignore it…

Not only that, Marian also talked about her plans to have a third baby. When asked: ‘Do you want the third baby’s gender to be a boy or a girl?’ , ‘The most beautiful beauty in the Philippines’ affirmed: ‘Both’.

Marian Rivera, the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines, dingdong dantes

Marian Rivera, the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines, dingdong dantes

Marian Rivera, the most beautiful beauty in the Philippines, dingdong dantes

‘The most beautiful beauty in the Philippines’ refers to family expansion.

Marian Rivera married Dingdong Dantes in 2014. Up to now, they have been inseparable for more than 8 years. The result of a beautiful marriage is two children Zia and Ziggy. In many previous interviews, Marian admitted that she and her husband wanted to expand their family. However, the two of them did not put much emphasis on the above issue but let everything follow its natural course.