She did not make this video earlier due to security concerns.



Singaporean socialite Jamie Chua has finally dropped a house tour video.

Before you get too excited, it’s her previous house, not the present one she has recently moved into.

Chua said that she refrained from making a house tour video earlier due to security concerns.

However, she would have already moved out by the time the video goes live, so fans will finally get to see a tour of her older abode without compromising her security.

The 47-year-old also shared some details about her new home in the video.




Home for 13 years


Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

Chua lived in the house for 13 years.

Her approach to decluttering and sorting out what to bring over to her new place was simple: “Anything that I have not looked for for the past year, throw it out.”

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.


Plants and mini-farm


Chua may be known for her designer handbags, but she also maintains a garden and mini-farm.

Her garden includes a Meyer lemon tree, roses, banana tree, papaya tree, and custard apple tree.




Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

Besides her plants, her silkie chickens will be moving to her new home with her as well, she said.




The lemon myrtle tree will be uprooted and relocated to her new place as she cannot find another one in Singapore.

Unfortunately, the banana tree will not be going with her to her new home.




However, Chua revealed that she has started growing new banana and papaya trees on her new property.


Wine cellar


In the video, Chua said she wasn’t sure how to move her wines but wasn’t “going to lose sleep” over it.

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

The cellar would be her “biggest headache” for the move, followed by her handbags, shoes, and jewellery.




Living room and dining area


Here are some shots of her living area and dining area.

Living room area. Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

To bring out a “cosy ambiance”, Chua decorates her home with candles and flowers.

The dining area is where she and her friends spend the most time in, the socialite revealed.

Dining room. Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.




Yes, Chua has a movie room in her house.

However, it was turned into a storage room while she was in the midst of moving.

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.


Spa room


Initially, this room was a study/tutoring area for the children when they were young, Chua said.

Chua has two children with her ex-husband, Indonesian tycoon Nurdian Cuaca—Cleveland Cuaca, 27, and Calista Cuaca, 23.

When her Cleveland and Calista no longer needed it, the room was converted into a home office before becoming a spa room.

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

“I get my massages, my lash extensions, and all my beauty services right here on this bed,” Chua tells her followers.


Second floor


Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

The second floor comprises her bedroom, Calista’s and Cleveland’s bedrooms, as well as a guest room.

Chua had considered merging her bedroom with all the other bedrooms on the floor.

However, due to the house design and the position of the staircase, she could not find a way to connect all the bedrooms into “one huge closet” for herself.

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

Chua admitted that the inability to combine all the bedrooms into a closet was one of the reasons that prompted her to get a new house.




Huge safe in lounge area


Apparently, Chua has “many big safes in this house,” including the second floor, none of which she is bringing with her to her new home.

If you, like us, have never had a huge safe in your life, here’s why:


Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.


Cameras and face masks


The video also shows Chua’s collection of cameras…

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

… and face masks in “eight colours to match every outfit.”

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.


Vanity area


Chua herself is aware that there are “many, many, many things” in her vanity area and she spends “quite a bit of time” at her vanity table.

Video by Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

To fit all of them, she will be building a vanity room (known as a “glam room”) in her new house that is “a tiny room by itself”, which she views as a worthwhile investment for herself.

Video by Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

Here are some key figures of her inventory:




2,000 lipsticks



1,000 eye make-up palettes



20 foundations




Video by Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.


Non-Hermes bag corner


Most of us have our own version of a non-Hermes bag corner, and Chua is no exception.

Video by Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

But of course, Chua’s corner is filled with Chanel and Louis Vuitton.

As she was unable to store all of them together, she created this corner for these non-Hermes bags.




Famous Hermes walk-in closet


The tour can’t be complete without Chua’s famous walk-in closet, where she stashes all of her Hermes bags and other designer items.

Image via Jamie Chua’s YouTube video.

Chua shared that she is creating a new version of this epic closet in her new home that she hopes will be “better”.

Check out the following video for a more comprehensive tour of her walk-in wardrobe:




Why she made the move


The reason why Chua has decided to move out is that her children no longer stay in the house that was intended for a family, and it felt “a little too big with many wasted spaces that [she] cannot utilise.”

In addition, her children, especially Calista, felt it would be nice if they lived around the same area, and persuaded her to make the move.

If you’re wondering what her new house is like, it’s a “lakeside bungalow located “two streets away” from her children.

Watch the complete house tour here: