Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were the first to be invited on the eight season of filmmaker Karan Johar’s popular chat show and the couple’s fans are in love with their revelations. However, Deepika’s comments about being in an open relationship with Ranveer Singh attracted netizen’s wrath and many trolled her on social media. Now, actor-comedian Vir Das has come out in support of the actress. Vir Das took to his X account and took a dig at the trolls targeting the actress who in his words is ‘way out of their league’.

His post read, ‘Moment of silence for all the men who are upset that a Bollywood star way out of their league was casually dating for a while, and wasn’t as committed as their imaginary girlfriend is to them.’ His tweet got many reactions within a few hours of getting posted. While his fans liked his post, netizens began trolling him mercilessly in the comments section. A few of the comments read, ‘I guess you’re missing the point here. She had earlier called out her exes for being disloyal and the importance of committing to a relationship. People are just calling out her hypocrisy. It is an equality debate so pls dnt jump on the wagon on feminist’s behalf’, ‘Moment of silence for standup comedian whose comedy failed in Bollywood’, ‘If Ranbir casually dating for a while was an issue, then this is also bad.. if it was not, then this is also fine..

Vir Das advocates for Deepika Padukone. | Hindi Movie News - Times of India

There should be similar rules for all..’ and ‘bro is a paid lawyer for ranveer and deepika i remember there was a tweet during ranveers nude photoshoot too . sabka opinion hota h bro chill kar na thoda.’ It all started when Deepika opened up about the initial days of her relationship with Ranveer Singh on Karan Johar’s show. She said, ‘I wanted to be single for a while because I had come from difficult relationships. I was going through a phase where I said ‘I just don’t want to be attached, don’t want to be committed’. And I had fun! And then he came along, so I didn’t commit, until he proposed to me. There was no ‘commitment’ as such. Even if we were technically allowed to see other people, we would just keep coming back to each other.’ For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.

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