Bollywood beauty Aishwarya Rai never shies away from putting forward her thoughts on public platforms. She never twists her words and often gives it back to the ones who pass distasteful comments on her. In an old interview which is doing rounds online right now, the actress talked about constant backlash she faced over her weight gain after pregnancy. She also revealed how she dealt with it.

Reacting to brutal trolling on her extra kilos, Aishwarya had confessed that she wasn’t disturbed by it. She had said that people must have enjoyed the drama because she didn’t gave it much importance and was busy leading a happy life with her baby.

Furthermore, the actress had shared the most positive thing that came out of her being real and not bothering about her weight gain post pregnancy. She had mentioned that she didn’t set any unrealistic expectations for mothers. She was even lauded by many new mommies for her audacity and confidence.

Aishwarya had also stated that science had made remarkable progress and that she could lose weight overnight. But she chose not to do that and let the weight shed naturally. Though Aishwarya did not take any name, her statement seemed like a dig at other heroines who hit the gym soon after having a baby.

Talking about her physical transformation following her daughter’s birth, the actress in another interaction had told that she went a natural way. She had also revealed that she was comfortable in stepping out publicly as extra weight was never an issue with her.

For the unversed, several actresses like Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Gauahar Khan and many more, have made jaw-dropping transformations post having a child.