Mollywood director Vipin Das was shocked when he received amessage from Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan praising his film ‘Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey’ as an ‘absolute gem.’ Aamir …

Mollywood director Vipin Das of the critically acclaimed Malayalam film ‘Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey’ received a message that turned his world upside down. The message came from none other than Bollywood superstar, leaving Vipin Das in awe. Vipin Das took to

Facebook to share the incredible moment with his followers. His post narrates the story of a small-town filmmaker, going about his daily life, who suddenly receives a message from a legendary figure that feels almost surreal. Khan left Vipin in shock, especially when

Aamir introduced himself over a call as ‘Hi Vipin, This is Aamir Khan.’ The encounter was so unexpected that it almost gave Vipin his ‘first heart attack.’

‘An absolute gem of a film’: Aamir Khan praises Vipin Das’s ‘Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey’

Aamir Khan’s message to Vipin Das praised his film, ‘Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey,’ as an ‘absolute gem.’ He commended the film’s layers, well-written characters, and outstanding performances, expressing how it filled his heart with joy and hope. The message from Aamir

Khan was not just a token of appreciation but also an invitation to connect with the director.
Aamir Khan’s message read, “Hi Vipin, this is Aamir Khan, I got your number from Prasanna. Vipin, I saw your film ‘Jaya Jaya…. Hey.

It is an absolute gem of a film! I really loved it. It is such a beautifully made film, with so many layers. The characters are ALL so well written and performed. I can go on and on. Thank you so much Vipin for making such a beautiful film. It filled my heart with joy and hope. I would like to speak with you whenever it is convenient for you. Please let me know when it is possible. Thank you. Love”

The film ‘Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey,’ released in 2022, is a black comedy that serves as a satire on gender stereotypes. It stars Darshana Rajendran and Basil Joseph and received widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike.