Aamir Khan and his former wife Reena Dutta’s daughter Ira Khan came out in the open about being clinically depressed for more than 4 years.

Ira spoke about it on the occasion of World Mental Health Day that is October 10. Now, a month later, Ira returned to the Gram with another video. This time, she gave it back to naysayers who slammed her for her ‘privileges’.

In the video, Ira spoke about how her privilege as Aamir Khan’s daughter stopped her from asking for help. She further added that there days when she would cry and even cancel plans with friends to not spoil their mood with her behavior.

Ira, in the video, also spoke about her parents and their separation. “When I was small, my parents got divorced. But that didn’t seem like something that would traumatise me because my parents’ divorce was amicable. They are friends, the whole family is still friends. We are not a broken family by any means,” she shared.

She added, “My parents were very good about being parents to Junaid and me, even after divorce. And when people would say ‘Oh I am so sorry to hear about your parents’ divorce, I would be like ‘What are you talking about? It is not a bad thing. Another privilege I didn’t realise.

It could be something that could scar you. It didn’t scar me. I don’t remember most of it but I didn’t feel like my parents’ divorce is something that could bother me. So that can’t be the reason why I am feeling so sad.”