Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has found himself on the receiving end of massive backlash after his dismissive and seemingly uninformed reaction to the upcoming Chandrayaan 3 mission went viral. In a video clip circulating online, Singh is seen responding to a question about India’s ambitious lunar mission with a flippant ‘Oh wow, cool!’ and a shrug.

Netizens were quick to express their outrage at Singh’s apparent lack of enthusiasm and knowledge about a project of such national pride and scientific significance. Many took to social media platforms to criticize the actor, calling his reaction disrespectful and insensitive.

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‘As a public figure with a huge following, Ranveer Singh has a responsibility to be mindful of his words and actions,’ commented one user on Twitter. ‘His dismissive attitude towards Chandrayaan 3 is not only disappointing but also sets a bad example for his young fans.’

Another user added, ‘The least he could have done was offer some words of encouragement or support for the scientists and engineers who have dedicated years of their lives to this mission.’

The hashtag #BoycottRanveerSingh also began trending on Twitter, with many users calling for a boycott of the actor’s upcoming films.

Some pointed out that Singh’s reaction might be indicative of a larger problem – the general lack of awareness and appreciation for scientific advancements in India. They stressed the need for public figures like Singh to use their platform to promote science and education.

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‘Instead of dismissing Chandrayaan 3 as a mere ‘cool’ fact, Singh could have used this opportunity to educate his fans and encourage them to learn more about this incredible mission,’ said a user on Facebook.

As the controversy continues to grow, Ranveer Singh is yet to issue any official statement or apology. It remains to be seen how this incident will impact his career and public image.

Whether this incident will serve as a wake-up call for Singh and other celebrities to be more mindful of their public statements remains to be seen. However, it is clear that the Indian public expects more from its stars, especially when it comes to matters of national pride and scientific achievement.