There has been much speculation about a rift between Bollywood’s favourite lovebirds, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Alia opened up about this in a recent interview.

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s love life has been under the magnifying glass, more so than their professional lives. Lately, there has been many whispers that all was not well between the two, and that Alia was ‘sad’ during the promotions of Gully Boy. Netizens have taken to analysing each and every photo and have come to the conclusion that Ranbir and Alia are close to parting ways.

Here's the reason behind Alia Bhatt's sad face in photos with Ranbir Kapoor  |

This started back in late November last year, when photos of Alia seeming rather ‘upset’ did the rounds. Ranbir was right next to her on the sets of Brahmastra. And just a while back, a video of Ranbir and Alia seemingly fighting at the premiere of Gully Boy went viral on the internet.

Alia opened up about these viral photos to a daily. ‘Honestly, at first when people started claiming I was crying, I found it funny. It’s a joke on my sets and with those who are closest to me,’ she said.

She added, ‘Anybody who looks at my face tells me, Alia, why are you looking so sad? Please cheer up’. I tend to zone out a lot. But only a few people will know that this is my usual face, when I’m focused or thinking about something.

So, I just can’t believe that my frown has become a sensation and a new story is being cooked up everyday about how I’m sad. It’s not true. I don’t find the need to clarify it because in my heart, if I know what the truth is, nothing else really matters.’

Ranbir and Alia quashed the rumours of a fight by celebrating Valentine’s Day with a romantic dinner. In an interview with a newspaper, the actress talked about how she rang in Valentine’s Day.

‘I was definitely Valentining on that day. Since I’ve been promoting Gully Boy, I had a late night and woke up late on Valentine’s Day. I was flooded with messages and greetings about our film along with some Valentine’s greetings and some marriage proposals from strangers as well,’ she laughed.

Love bloomed between Ranbir and Alia during the making of Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra. Since the couple has been getting closer and has hit several relationship milestones, from bonding with each other’s families to going on romantic getaways together.