Bollywood’s ace filmmaker and producer Karan Johar is back with the brand new season of his popular and controversial talk show ‘Koffee With Karan’. The first episode is already aired and it featured the power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone.

During the show, Deepika talked about her past relationships and disclosed that she wasn’t initially looking for a committed relationship and simply wanted to enjoy herself and heal from her past relationships when she met Ranveer.

However, certain Bollywood fans began characterizing it as a “situationship.” Regrettably, this term has garnered criticism for being perceived as disloyal and involving the involvement of multiple individuals for personal gain.

“I wanted to be single for a while because I had come out of a couple of difficult relationships. I was going through a phase where I thought, “I just want to be unattached and not committed. I just want to have fun because this is the age, you know.” And then he (Ranveer Singh) came along. So, I didn’t commit. In fact, until he proposed to me, there was no real commitment.

Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone (Source - Twitter)

Even if we were technically allowed to see other people, we kept coming back to each other. I did meet other people, but I wasn’t interested or excited by anyone else. In my mind, I was committed to him (Ranveer). So, I’d meet other people, but in the back of my head, I was always going back to him.” Deepika said during the show.

I felt completely helpless: Ranveer Singh

Meanwhile, Ranveer opened up on dealing with Deepika’s mental health issues during the show. He said, that in 2014, during a pivotal moment, his partner experienced a concerning blackout and fall, leading to emotional distress and helplessness. This incident left a lasting impact on their relationship.

“When it first happened in 2014, I was shooting. She called and she said ‘I’ve had a blackout and I’ve had a fall. Can you come home?’ I cut the call, and I was on my bike and when I saw her, something wasn’t right. She’s in front, she’s looking at you but she’s not all there.”

He further added, “One day at breakfast she was sitting across me, and she was just crying and there were just tears. Copious tears flowed down. “She’s like ‘I don’t know’. I got up and went to her and I was like tell me. The reason I remember that vividly is because it was that moment where I felt completely helpless.” Ranveer said.