AI-generated Deepfake technology has been making waves across the internet, and the latest victim of this disturbing trend is Priyanka Chopra Jonas. The manipulated video featured PeeCee during a brand promotion interview. Unlike other actresses, in the clip, instead of editing the actress’ face, her voice was replaced by fake audio as she divulged her yearly earnings while promoting a brand. However, the clip later got removed, and the Instagram handle that shared it seems to be deactivated. Earlier, Alia Bhatt also fell prey to deepfake. A video went viral on social media wherein a girl who resembled Alia could be seen dressed up in a blue floral co-ord set and making obscene gestures to the camera. Before that, Kajol’s fake video, which purportedly showed the actress changing clothes, stirred up the internet. Rashmika Mandanna’s deepfake video also emerged in which a woman, dressed in a black yoga bodysuit, whose face was morphed as the actress, could be seen entering an elevator while smiling for the camera. Katrina Kaif has also fallen prey to deepfake as her AI-generated picture from ‘Tiger 3’s towel fight scene started floating on social media. Following the multiple cases of AI-generated deepfake videos, many B-town celebs and Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed their concern over the issue. For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.